Reiki Plus
Linda Bottero, Reiki Master
Anne Fernandez, Reiki Master
Sarah Guillet, Reiki Master
Malik Kalonji, Reiki II
Alida Melson, Reiki II
We are made up of molecules that are supposed to vibrate at extremely high levels. Unfortunately due to the chemicals in our environment, the stress in our daily lives and the less than ideal food and water we drink, our cells begin to vibrate slower and slower. It is essential that we maintain a healthy energy body keeping our cells running as close to optimum as possible so that we can naturally avoid the accepted aspects of aging, chronic illness and diseases which are all on the rise. Just as we clean our physical body, we also need to clean our energy body.
Relax, rejuvenate and increase your health and personal energy through cleansing, energizing and, balancing your bioenergetic system that represents the sum total of the energy within us
Reiki Attunements Also Available.
Please contact Linda Bottero.
Sound Bath by Ryan
Private 30 minute session for $60
60 minute session minimum 3 people at $30 each
The frequencies of the bowls and gongs take you on a musical journey into a deeply meditative and spiritual state of relaxation and personal awareness.